It’s a recommended buckwheat noodle ”Soba”?Restaurant in Nagano Japan.
It is our favorite.
When going to the plateau in Tateshina, my family drop in for lunch or dinner.
Web Site :
a signboard of a mark. 手打ちそば みつ蔵 “Te-uchi soba Mitsukura”
Meaning of “Te-uchi” are homemade noodles made by the soba craftsman.
Restaurant opening time “eigyo-jikan(営業時間)” is as follows.
price range is 1000 yen – 1700 yen per person.
On a table, a lovely small flower.
Our recommended ”Kamo-touban-yaki (鴨陶板焼き)”
The duck and the Welsh onion are grilled with sweet soy sauce.
It is the tempura of a bamboo in spring. A spring scent can be enjoyed.
“Kawari-Soba(変わりそば)” 1200Yen.
“Tenpura Soba(天ぷらそば)”
Dessert! Pudding made from buckwheat.
Very comfortable and great soba restaurant!
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