Fuchu Municipal Transportation Park (Fuchu Koutsu Yuen) is a small park to ride a go-kart with a child. (Map)
Not only the engine go-kart, electric go-kart debut work by a lithium-ion batteries. Units are two yellow and sky blue.
The new electric go-kart debut, April 2011
Rates are up a little. 100 yen for one lap.
For adults, not so fast. but, I think the children can feel the speed.
In addition, go-kart engine type is still alive.
Opposite side of the landing go-kart is a small park. Municipal bus, fire truck, tram, locomotive are on display.
Some children’s pedal-powered car.
To show to taxi drivers (for printed)
府中市 郷土の森 総合体育館(市立総合体育館)の直ぐ近く「府中市交通遊園」
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